Sunday, December 5, 2021

Underwater ROV

 The YouTube has delivered yet another project worth looking into.

Peter Sripol has posted up a video without enough content for me to go on, so I'm going to document this one a little better and get the project built. I had previously built a little camera pod to drop into our local fishing hole so we can see what is at the bottom so this will fit right in to my little fleet.



  1. The flashlights used on the Peter's build are these Garberiel units. They use 3x     AAA batteries and generally look terrible. For $17 for 2ea, not bad. However,      I'll likely go with a hard-wired setup.


  1. The motor frames says 550 so we'll go with that until the prints get done.
1. Relay
Pro - Super simple, lots of current
Con - back EMF, large space requirement
2. L298N
Pro - h-bridge, logic level control, $10 for 4ea
Con - low current 3A
3. BTS7960
Pro h-bridge, logic level
Con - $14 ea


    The thingiverse files are there in the link above. I'll break down what each one is for and how many you'll need.

  1. Motor mount sleeve
    1. Used for each motor?
    2. Dunno how many
  2. Depth duct motor mount
    1. Used for the dive motor
    2. Need 1ea
  3. PVC body sleeve
    1. Used to hold the center electronics tube.
    2. Need 2ea
  4. Rudder
    1. Are these needed? They could just be flat pieces.
    2. Need 2ea (if at all)
  5. Tube weight bracket
    1. These hold the white weight tubes to the bottom bracket. Are these needed? Seems like zip ties would work just fine.
    2. Need 2ea (if at all)
  6. PVC frame sleeve
    1. This goes from the 1/2" pipe to the 2" pipe.
    2. Need 4ea
  7. Dive propeller
    1. Used for the dive motor
    2. Need 1ea
  8. Propeller_1
    1. Used for the forward motors
    2. Need 2ea

Bill of Materials - Pipe

    10' of 1/2" PVC

    4' of 2" PVC

    2' of 3" PVC

    3 way pipe fittings - 

    4ea 2" end caps

    1ea 3" end cap

    1ea cleanout cap (Peter used a cleanout plug)

    2ea flashlights

    3ea 550 motors


Design #2

This frame doesn't use any 3D printing but lacks the onboard battery and electronics tube.